Canadians Starting a Business in the US

As a Canadian citizen, setting up a U.S. company can be complicated beginning with choosing the proper entity and acquiring the appropriate immigration Visa. If you are looking to purchase an existing U.S. business, start a brand new U.S. business, or expand your Canadian business into the U.S., our team can help you with everything from legal setup, cross border accounting, and immigration!

How We Help Canadians Establish U.S. Businesses

Every day, Canadian citizens are setting up U.S. businesses, from major enterprises to small family owned companies. For some, the goal is to simply move to the United States. For others, the goal is to expand their business by accessing the U.S. marketplace. Setting up a company in the U.S. as a non-resident is extremely complicated but made simple with the help of our expert team skilled in U.S. business law, immigration, international tax, real estate and U.S. financial services. We will take care of all your business start-up needs when it comes to the following…


US Real Estate Legal Advice for Canadians

Our legal team specializes in cross border business setup and will help you choose the proper entity structure, file all registration paperwork, and establish all business agreements for your new company.


U.S. Immigration for Business

Our immigration team will help you establish your business plan to secure the proper U.S. Visa for you and your family. Acquiring a Visa will allow you to live and work for your business in the United States.


Tax Planning for Canadians Starting a U.S. Business

Our cross border tax team will help you develop a cross border strategy to manage your business and finances in Canada and the United States as to reduce your tax burden and avoid double taxation issues.


US Banking for Canadians

As a non-resident, it can be difficult to setup your business banking with no U.S. credit. We will help you establish business banking and secure financing with our partners for any start up costs you might have.

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