The Canada Arizona Business Council has just released key new ?ndings regarding the economic impact non-resident Canadians have on the Arizona economy annually.

In addition to the previously estimated short-term Canadian tourism  impact within  Arizona of $1 Billion (source: Arizona O?ce of Tourism), the Council now  believes a more accurate estimate should include an additional $1.4 Billion from so-called long-term residential tourists or Canadian Snowbirds (The IRS calls them non-resident aliens).

The Council states there are approximately 100,000 residences owned or rented by Canadians in the state of Arizona. These snowbirds have an average stay of 4 months in Arizona (source: TD Economics, Feb 2014) spending approximately $3,500.00 per month (source: Canadian Snowbird Association). This amounts on-average to $14,000.00 per stay or approximately $1.4 Billion in aggregate.

Glenn Williamson, CEO & Founder of the Canada Arizona Business Council, stated, “At a time when NAFTA has received increased scrutiny, it’s important to highlight the significant mutual benefits our state enjoys as a result of being an attractive destination for Canadian visitors.”

James Villeneuve, the Consul General of Canada, said, “The ?ows of people and commerce between Canada and Arizona make for a uniquely close relationship. Seeing the economic impact of Canada’s snowbirds quantified for the ?rst time reminds us of the vital role Canada plays in Arizona and how useful it is to look beyond our own borders for partners.”

This money is  being spent on power, water, utilities, sporting events, internet connections, entertainment, food, golf, movies, autos, restaurants, museums, symphonies, operas, etc. This is also money that feeds the tax co?ers of the cities and state of Arizona, and does not even include property taxes.

You may learn more at For further information, contact Glenn Williamson at

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